Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lizardmen Battalion

So about a week ago I went out and bought a blister pack with the Skink Priest with Cloak of Feathers and the Skink Chief with Blowpipe. I painted them up and had a lot of fun doing it. I think they turned out ok. I’ll put some pics up soon.
In the wake of my success with the chiefs I decided to jump in the deep end and grabbed a Lizardmen Battalion box set.

I figured that this would be a good starting point for an army as it had two units of core troops and a couple of special units. Although the models I have now do not constitute a legal army they should put me well on my way. I'll be starting off with the Skinks, working my way through the Saurus and then the Temple Guard and then onto the more complex Saurus Cavalry.

From what I've read the new rules have made the Saurus Cavalry fairly useless but I aim to try out as many combos as I can. I had envisaged using more Skinks in my army so I was a little disappointed that the battalion only gave me a measly twelve. I thought that it would at least give me as many as the separate Skink Regiment but Games Workshop are not known for their generosity.

I’ve only had the Battalion a few days so I’ve only managed to assemble about half of my skinks so far. I’m going to try painting them in batches, something that I had never considered doing with my previous models. We’ll see how I go with my first six and then reassess the situation of whether it is a viable option or not.

Finding My Way To Lustria!

Around 7 years ago I was drawn into the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Jumping straight in the deep end I chose an army (Beastmen) and bought its army book, a box set of Beastmen, a unit of Centigors and a Beastlord. Over the next half a decade all I had managed to paint of these models was about half of the Beastmen Herd, and not very well might I add. I am a painfully slow painter and over the years I lost interest in the army and the models fell further and further into the back of my wardrobe.

Recently, though, my interest has been restored as I am now living within walking distance of a Games Workshop and the encroaching end of semester (and my degree) has gifted me with the time and resources to really get into the hobby. Not wanting to continue with my poor Beastmen but still loving my Beastlord model I painted him up and set him on my bookcase along with the only other two models that I would be happy to be seen by the public: an Ogre Mercenary from the Mordheim Range and a Dark Elf Corsair, a unit of which had been gifted to me last Christmas by my mother-in-law.

Having never actually played a game of Warhammer before I resolved to start over: with a new army and a new edition of the rules. I ventured into my local games Workshop and ran through a short battle using the models from the Island of Blood boxed set. My love was restored. Taking command of the High Elf forces a close battle with the scurvy Skaven saw a majestic High Elf Prince astride a mighty Griffon achieve victory over a unit of Rat Ogres then promptly overran into their artillery.

I knew I would need to get a rulebook to go over the more intricate details of the game and in talking over my options with the staff was considering The Island of Blood set as a good starting point as it came with the full rules and plenty of fantastic models to get me started playing the game. The Prince on the Griffon was incentive alone to go with this option but I knew that if I were to buy the box set I would be set in either a High Elf or Skaven army, neither of which had particularly interested me as a whole army.

When I first went to begin an army all those years ago I had narrowed my choices down to a few races: Beastmen of Chaos, Dark Elves and Lizardmen. Interested more in the animalistic monsters in the Beastmen at the time I went with them. As fun as it was painting those new models at first I was quickly turned off by the somewhat limited color pallet that came with them. As a result I own the entire range of browns provided by the citadel paint range.

Looking for a bit more excitement in my painting I have opted to go with the Lizardmen this time around. The idea of ranks of bright blue Saurus and Skink warriors were too appealing to pass up. As well, the army seems to be a great all-rounder army, being able to field all kinds of units being effective in all rounds of a battle. A good army for a beginner I think.