Friday, August 20, 2010

The Real Beginning!

Things sure get busy fast. One moment I am preparing myself for my next entry and the next I am jet setting off to Ireland to visit the in-laws. Having recently returned and settled back down I can finally put up the post that should have gone up over three months ago.

My interest in comics began many, many years ago when watching the X-Men cartoon series on TV. It was then that I fell in love with the myriad of colourful characters that populate the X-Men line-up. However, it was not for many years that I would actually pick up and read a comic book. I grew up in a small town about an hour from the city. There was one newsagent and they had but a few Simpsons comics and kids mags.

I don’t know how long ago it was now (four.... five years ago), that I got my very first comic. My brother was at a local swap-meet looking for parts for his car when he came across some comics. Amongst the lot was an old issue of X-Men. In an uncharacteristic display of generosity he bought it and bought it home for me (he didn’t find the part that he was looking for). When I finally got it into my eager little hands I was shocked to find that it was issue # 137 of Uncanny X-Men, a double-sized issue titled ‘The Death of Phoenix’!!!!!!!!!! I was further surprised to find that he had paid a single dollar for it. Needless to say that the years of psychological torment, noogies and Indian burns were forgotten when I got my hands on the little p

If my brother knew the monster that he was creating that day he might have thought twice about his sudden act of kindness and brotherly love, for I read and re-read that comic for days and weeks on end.